Thank you Hamilton!
So I went to see the play Hamilton last night and it gets pretty boring and repetitive so I decided to start day dreaming about my trailer and the plot.
Here is what I have come up with:
Trailer One: (REAL PLOT)
-staring at clock or asking someone for the time and then counting it and adding it up in her head
-hearing someone complaining about ocd in regards to only a clean room
-entry of a boy / love interest who goes through similar struggles and they can relate to each other
-clip of her completely losing her mind and screaming crying but all mute
-overlapping clips of people in her life telling her that she needs to control herself and just pay attention, etc
-then journaling about her issues and while she is journaling and maybe crying the voice in her head starts telling her to get up and make sure the front door is locked
Today in class I decided to share my ideas with my classmates and things simple did not go as planned at all. I had a couple questions for them but I realize I should not have brought up the first question. I was originally stuck on doing a drama but considered perhaps making it more of a thriller but when I brought that up my entire class had something to say which was not fun and no one agreed with each other. Also many of the things that my classmates did say about OCD were honestly offensive and very uneducated. This is a good thing and a bad thing, in class it made me very frustrated, but now I feel better about it. I feel better because I realized that I am not going to label the girl in my trailer as someone who is struggling with OCD because I do not have OCD like some people have it and I want to be able to do it justice so therefore I am going to portray a girl with mental illness and OCD tendencies but no hard labels to avoid one group from being singled out and leave the film more open. This way, more people will be able to relate to it and it doesnt close off any viewers.
During the group meetings I was thinking more about my plot and I decided that I want her to meet a friend / love interest and that that person will be the person that saves her from killing herself. I think I can highlight that in the trailer nicely and give people a strong reason so come see my film.
Hopefully I will have a fully developed movie plot in one of my next posts!!!
Until next time,