I had an epiphany!
I want to create a film that will highlight OCD in the light that shows what it really is, not what the media portrays it to be. There are a lot of misconceptions out there specifically about this mental illness. I think it would be really powerful if I could highlight a girl like me going through this. Hopefully my "viewers" could leave having an entirely new perspective on what OCD is and stop saying that it means that you get annoyed when you have a dirty room.
So this is great and everything, but portraying a mental illness means that I have to be really educated in the realm of it as to not offend anybody in the process. Although I have grown up with OCD symptoms I do not classify as having actual OCD. Therefore I have researched the illness heavily and am prepared here today to include my findings. I can use this research to help guide my choices while creating my film.
Definition: a mental health disorder which comes with repetitive actions that feel impossible to seize.
-3 million cases per year (US)
-may be lifelong or only last several years
-caused by family history mostly
-treatment may reduce symptoms
-obsessions and or compulsions
-stress makes symptoms worse
-persistent, repeated, unwanted thoughts
-intrusive images or urges
-compulsive behavior to avoid thinking these thoughts
-frequent hand-washing
-inability to attend work, school, etc
-troubled relationships with family and friends
-poor quality of life
-suicidal thoughts and actions
Kk bye,
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