Tonight I am going to be sharing the stars of my production with you!
I think it is important to introduce these amazing people so you guys can start to get a feel for just what I am going to create in these upcoming weeks. By the way, I am hoping you enjoyed the plot that I wrote for you guys! It is very exciting for me and I am hoping that I am able to bring all my ideas to light in the near future and create a very exciting piece.
Without further ado....
In case we forgot I will reintroduce our cast,
Kaelin Danieli as Tessa Rodway
Jake Robani as River Ross, Tessa's love interest
Katherine Enriquez as Therapist
Kelly Enriquez as Kelly Rodway, Tessa's mother
Stephen Enriquez as Todd Rodway, Tessa's father
Kaelin Danieli:
This is our beautiful star! This works out amazing because Kaelin is an aspiring actress! She is really good at acting and she fits how I envisioned the star would look and the age they would be perfect. Plus she is very dramatic which helps a lot in this instance!

Jake Rabani:
This is our second main character! I am excited to be working with him because he goes to USF and studies film! He creates very amazing pieces and I do use him for inspiration so this is an honor to be working with him and putting him on the flip side of the camera.

Katherine Enriquez:
The way I thought of the therapist made me think of my grandma because I believe she will take this role very seriously and that is exactly what I want. I believe she will add authenticity to the piece itself.

Kelly and Stephen:
Who better than my beautiful parents to act in my film ;) I am excited to incorporate them into my trailers because they can be good actors when they wanna be! I think they fit the role of her parents perfectly and kind of even look like Kaelin!

Thanks for tuning in:)
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