Friday, March 20, 2020

High stress high stress high stress

I have to be real with you guys I am freaking out a little.

Time is a valuable thing and I find it is slipping out from under me!!

Very helpful thing that I learned was that our deadline for this ordeal has been pushed back a little which is making me feel good considering the amount of “reblocking” that must be done to make my ideas a real like production.

Very excitingly I have also heard that Mrs. Stoklosa will be holding a very informative and helpful conference with her, myself, and my peers. This should help me brainstorm in addition to clearing up some confusion about this whole thing.

Here as follows are my questions that I will be attempting to ask during this conference, if not hopefully I will be able to email them to Mrs. Stoklosa or find another person willing to listen to hear me out and consider these real questions i have regarding my entire plot and whole final production.

I do think I will feel better once I film so hopefully I will be able to get on that as soon as I clear the air with some of my questions that I currently have!

Without further ado here are my questions:

Should I have him had been watching her this whole time?
Should I have him going through similar experiences that she is?
Should I never show his life before right until the moment he saves her from jumping?

Thanks for sticking around,

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Creative Critical Reflection

Thank you guys so much for sticking around during my process, here is a video reflecting on it all and giving some additional insights. Th...