Sunday, March 15, 2020

Welcome Website

I have begun the creation of my Wix Website for my movie!

As we all know there are multiple components to my project going on here (two 2 and a half minute trailers, a website promoting the film, and the poster of the film). Today we are focusing on the website. After deliberating between different options for websites I decided that the most reasonable option for me to choose is wix websites mostly because it is easy to use, free, and I already worked with this software during my music promotional project last year.

This photo shows an extremely rough draft for what I am thinking regarding my website. I still have no fully decided on a name for my movie and in the next upcoming blog posts I hope to be able to provide you with  a set in stone name for my film. For now, I have "Two-Sided" which is fine for now but I think that I can do better.
As soon as I cement a name for my film, I will be able to publish my website and make it live!

Thanks for connecting,

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Creative Critical Reflection

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